To continue, type an administrator password, then click Yes

If you are seeing a message that says “To continue, type an administrator password, then click Yes” on your Windows computer, it means that you need to provide the correct administrator password to proceed with the action you are trying to perform. This message usually appears when you are trying to install or uninstall a program, make changes to system settings, or perform any other action that requires administrative privileges.

Here are some steps you can take to fix this problem:

1. Check if you are logged in as an administrator: To perform administrative tasks on a Windows computer, you need to have an account with administrative privileges. If you are not sure whether your account has administrative privileges, you can check it by going to the Control Panel > User Accounts > User Accounts. Here, you will see a list of all the user accounts on your computer, along with their account type. If your account is not listed as an administrator, you will need to log in with an administrator account or ask the administrator to grant you administrative privileges.

2. Enter the correct password: If you are sure that you are logged in as an administrator, but you are still seeing the message asking you to enter an administrator password, it means that you are not entering the correct password. Make sure that you are typing the password correctly, and that the Caps Lock key is not turned on. If you have forgotten your administrator password, you can reset it by using a password reset disk or by using the built-in Administrator account.

3. Run the program as an administrator: If you are trying to run a program that requires administrative privileges, you can try running it as an administrator. To do this, right-click on the program icon and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu. This will launch the program with administrative privileges, and you should not see the message asking you to enter an administrator password.

In conclusion, if you are seeing the message “To continue, type an administrator password, then click Yes” on your Windows computer, it means that you need to provide the correct administrator password to proceed with the action you are trying to perform. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to fix this problem and perform the desired action with administrative privileges.


I hope the steps I provided were helpful in resolving the issue you were facing with the “To continue, type an administrator password, then click Yes” message on your Windows computer. Remember to always log in with an administrator account or run programs with administrative privileges when performing tasks that require elevated permissions. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

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