The instruction at 0x00007FF98EF219A4 referenced memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The memory could not be read. Can someone help me with this and how to fix it? Thank you!

If you are encountering the error message “The instruction at 0x00007FF98EF219A4 referenced memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The memory could not be read” on your Windows computer, it can be quite frustrating. This error message usually indicates that there is a problem with your computer’s memory or RAM. However, there are several possible causes of this error, including malware infections, outdated drivers, and corrupted system files.

Here are some steps you can take to fix this error:

1. Run a malware scan: Malware infections can cause a variety of problems on your computer, including memory-related errors. Use a reputable antivirus program to scan your computer for malware and remove any threats that are detected.

2. Update your drivers: Outdated or corrupted drivers can also cause memory-related errors. Check your computer manufacturer’s website for the latest driver updates for your system.

3. Check your RAM: Faulty RAM can cause a variety of problems, including memory-related errors. Use a memory diagnostic tool to check your RAM for errors. If errors are detected, you may need to replace your RAM.

4. Repair corrupted system files: Corrupted system files can also cause memory-related errors. Use the System File Checker tool to scan your system for corrupted files and repair them.

5. Perform a clean boot: A clean boot can help you identify if a third-party program or service is causing the error. To perform a clean boot, follow the steps outlined in this Microsoft support article.

In conclusion, the error message “The instruction at 0x00007FF98EF219A4 referenced memory at 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. The memory could not be read” can be caused by several factors. By following the steps outlined above, you can identify and fix the underlying issue causing the error.


We hope that the steps provided above were helpful in resolving the memory-related error on your Windows computer. If you continue to experience the error message, it may be best to seek further assistance from a professional technician or the manufacturer of your computer. Remember to always keep your system updated and protected from malware to prevent future errors.

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