Netflix streaming on Edge or Chrome Windows 10 version 1607

If you are trying to stream Netflix on Edge or Chrome on Windows 10 version 1607, you may encounter some issues. Here are some possible solutions to fix the problem:

1. Update your browser: Make sure you have the latest version of Edge or Chrome installed on your computer. Sometimes, outdated browsers can cause streaming issues.

2. Clear your browser cache: Clearing your browser cache can help to resolve any temporary issues that may be causing the problem. To do this, go to your browser settings and select “Clear browsing data.”

3. Disable browser extensions: Some browser extensions can interfere with Netflix streaming. Try disabling any extensions you have installed and see if that helps.

4. Check your internet connection: A slow or unstable internet connection can cause buffering and other streaming issues. Make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection before trying to stream Netflix.

5. Restart your computer: Sometimes, a simple restart can help to resolve any software issues that may be causing the problem.

If none of these solutions work, you may want to contact Netflix support for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or help you identify any underlying issues that may be causing the problem.


Hopefully, one of these solutions has helped you to resolve the issue with streaming Netflix on Edge or Chrome on Windows 10 version 1607. If you continue to experience problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to Netflix support for further assistance. They are always available to help you troubleshoot any issues you may be having with their service. Happy streaming!

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