How do I save snip screenshots as .JPG?

If you are using the Snipping Tool on Windows, you may have noticed that the default file format for saving screenshots is PNG. However, if you prefer to save your screenshots as JPG files, there is a simple solution.

Here are the steps to save snip screenshots as JPG:

1. Open the Snipping Tool by typing “Snipping Tool” in the search bar or by pressing the Windows key + Shift + S.

2. Take a screenshot of the area you want to capture.

3. Once you have captured the screenshot, click on the “File” menu in the Snipping Tool.

4. Select “Save As” from the drop-down menu.

5. In the “Save As” dialog box, choose the location where you want to save the file.

6. In the “Save as type” drop-down menu, select “JPEG File Interchange Format (*.jpg)”.

7. Enter a name for the file and click on the “Save” button.

That’s it! Your snip screenshot will now be saved as a JPG file.

Some additional tips to keep in mind:

– If you frequently save screenshots as JPG files, you can change the default file format in the Snipping Tool settings. To do this, open the Snipping Tool, click on the “Options” button, and select “JPG” from the “Save snips as” drop-down menu.

– If you prefer to use a different screenshot tool that doesn’t offer the option to save as JPG, you can always convert the PNG file to JPG using an image editing software like Paint or Photoshop. Simply open the PNG file in the software, choose “Save As”, and select JPG as the file format.


Saving snip screenshots as JPG is a simple process that can be done using the Snipping Tool on Windows. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily change the default file format from PNG to JPG and save your screenshots in the desired format. Remember, you can also change the default file format in the Snipping Tool settings if you frequently save screenshots as JPG files. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

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